The company took a year off. The reccuring collaboratifs of the company had a lot to do during this period! :)
- 2 October : HEAD LOCK TAKE DOWN, research process, studio sharing, Projet H107, Geneva (CH)
- 26 July : JO & ALEX, produced by Jo & Alex Productions, Première part of Pâquizart projection, Bains des Pâquis, Geneva (CH)
The company took a year off. The reccuring collaboratifs of the company had a lot to do during this period! :)
- 19 September : Invited for a "Dance & Dramaturgy" workshop in Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne (CH)
- 11 July : Co-choreographer and dancer for SERIE, Pollen Festival, Sion (CH)
- 19 June : Co-choreographer and dancer for Femmosité, Fête de la musique, Geneva (CH)
- 19 June : Co-choreographer and dancer for SERIE, Fête de la musique, Geneva (CH)
- 5, 6 et 7 April : Professionnal Workshops for les Rencontres Professionnelles de danses, Geneva (CH)
- 2 March : Choreographer and dancer for Une partition hasardeuse - HASARD 3, Fribourg (CH)
- 7 December : Choreographer and dancer for the clip Faith by Laura Scaglia and filmmaker Mei Fa Tan, Palais de Rumine, Lausanne (CH)
- 8-11 September : Research and creation at Le HIC - Havre d'Investigation Culturelle, Yverdon-les-Bains, (CH).
Due to a quarantine situation, this part of the work was done online. - 4 September : 3 petites formes by Jérôme Bel part of HIC - Havre d'Investigation Culturelle, Yverdon-les-Bains, (CH)
- 22 June - 18 August : Assistant and choreographer for creation L'Expat by Cie Nigave for Théâtre d'été de la Ville de Sion (CH)
- CANCELED (Covid-19) - 7 June : Plateforme Stratagèmes - Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne (CH) - Femmosité
- CANCELED (Covid-19) - 15 & 16 May : Festival Les Printemps Carougeois, Halle de la Fonderie, Carouge (CH) - Femmosité
- 8-12 January : Les Chorégraphiques 2020 - Théâtre de l'Oriental, Vevey (CH) - Femmosité
- 12-15 December : Premiere in TU - Théâtre de l'Usine, Geneva (CH) - Femmosité
- 21 November : Showing Dansomètre, Vevey (CH) - Femmosité
- 11 October : Showing Tanzhaus, Zürich (CH) - Femmosité
- 29 March : Showing Flux Laboratory, Geneva (CH) - Femmosité
- 27 September : Südpol, Luzern (CH) - Si | Si
- 21 & 22 September : Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik, Zürich am Internationalen Zürcher Tanzfestival YEAH YEAH YEAH (CH) - Si | Si
- 13, 14 & 15 September : Théâtre Les Halles, Sierre (CH) - Si | Si
- 23 June : Fête de la Musique - Scène Danse de l'ADC, Geneva (CH) - THELMA
- 20-26 June : Premiere in Théâtre du Galpon, Geneva - W.A.Y.T.
- 8 June : Dampfzentrale, Bern (CH) - Si | Si
- 5 & 6 June : Théâtre Populaire Romand, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH) - Si | Si
- 2 June : Plateforme AWA - As We Are, Kinneksbond (Lu) - Si | Si
- 30 & 31 May : Roxy, Birsfelden (CH) - Si | Si
- 24 May : Festival Tanzeit-Zeitanz, Chur (CH) - Si | Si
- 6 & 7 April : Performa Festival, Losone (CH) - Si | Si
- 22 & 23 March : Phönix-Theater, Steckborn (CH) - Si | Si
- 17 March : Zeughaus Kultur, Brig (CH) - Si | Si
- 8 & 9 March : Théâtre de l'Usine, Geneva (CH) - Si | Si
- 30 Sept. & 1 October : InciDanse, Fribourg (CH) - THELMA
- 2 July : Tour de la Rade en 80 jours, Geneva (CH) - Si | Si
- 30 June : Festival de Malaz, Seynod (Fr) - THELMA and Si | Si
- 14 & 15 April : Festival Lucky Trimmer, Berlin (De) - Si | Si
- 10 March : Concours Arcadanse, Annecy (Fr) - THELMA
- 24, 25 et 26 February : Théâtre de l'Abri, Genève (CH) - THELMA and Si | Si
- 15, 16 & 17 February : Quarts d'Heure de Sévélin, Lausanne (CH) - THELMA
- 5 to 13 August : Edinburgh Festival Fringe (UK), as part of the triple bill Trip The Light - Si | Si and Carte Blanche
- 1 July : 8ème Festival Jeune Chorégraphe, Voreppe (FR) - Si | Si`
- 20 June : CREATION of Association WAVE
- 8 June : Salle Séléné, Geneva (CH) - Si | Si
- 2 April : Nuit Blanche en Couleurs, Niort (FR) - Si | Si
- 30 January : Resolution!, Robin Howard Theatre - The Place, London (UK) - Si | Si
- 7 to 15 August : Edinburgh Festival Fringe (UK), as part of the triple bill Budge3 - Si | Si
- 29 June : Showing at l'Imprimerie, Geneva ( CH) - Si | Si